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Showing posts with label Deep Down Inside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deep Down Inside. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dia yang bernama Lelaki


Firstly..Myra tau update Myra ade je yang akan membaca..so i'm taking this opportunity to speak..
well..you..you may know who you are..i got no intention at all to contact your husband..it was him that keep coming back to my..lots i have do to avoid him..yet he is still calling..i was so thankful cause you guys get married..cause..i thought that he will.. stop bothering me..but yet..on one sudden Sunday..he called me..asking bout my life..and everything...on that second..i knew that with that call...there will be a problem coming..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Assalamaulaikum readers..
ya Allah..lame kan myra tak update blog ni...maaf la..busy sangat sekarang sejak myra dah mule menjadi student balik..huhuhu..banyak bende yang myra perlu utamakan buat masa sekarang...tapi..ni tak bermakna myra dah melupakan blog ni..memandangkan sekarang ni myra ade sedikit masa terluang..myra nak update la sekejap...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Adik rindu Abah

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..hey guys..happy sunday.. :)
Macam semua sedia tahu..hari ni merupakan hari yang istimewa buat abah/bapa/ayah/papa/daddy/walid..semua seorang ayah sanggup buat demi anak-anak nya..dye lah pembimbing..dye lah ketua keluarga..dye la teman..
Bagi myra..arwah abah merupakan seorang lelaki..ayah..teman..dan kawan baik yang terbaik..terhebat.. dan terunggul yang pernah myra dapat...dan tak mungkin akan ada pengganti yang akan dapat menggantikan tempat abah dalam hidup myra..
Abah..you will always be my hero..ilysm n imysm ♥

Friday, June 17, 2011

Aku ingin berdikari..bebas dan kembali senyum

Assalamualaikum..hey guys..

Hari ni myra sedih sangat sebab perancangan myra nak bercuti ke Singapore dengan Mr.B tak menjadi.. hrmm..malangnya..tiket untuk kesana tak ade..jadi terpakselah Mr.B kesana sorang-sorang..dan myra pulak tinggal di KL...dengan mummy...myra bukan sedih sebab ape..myra cume terkilan dengan kata-kata seseorang pada myra mase myra suarakan yang myra nak ke Singapore dengan Mr.B..

Saturday, June 11, 2011


pernah tak korang semua terase sedih sangat?hrmm itu lah yang myra rase sekarang..hrmm..
ni bukanlah pasal putus cinta atau ape..myra sedih sangat bile tengok kawan-kawan myra sedih..kawan-kawan myra ni..kawan-kawan yang istimewa dalam hidup myra...yang pasti myra sayanga semua kawan-kawan myra..tak kira lah sama ada mereka sedar atau pun tak..
kawan-kawan myra ni lah peneman myra masa myra sedih..masa myra gembira..dan dengan merekalah tempat myra banyak habiskan masa..selain masa myra bersama keluarga..dan Mr. B myra...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vacation Part 2: Bukit Tinggi Padang, Indonesia

Assalamualaikum semua :)
wah wah wah...perasan tak ape yang lain??hihihi..yup..new look...myra dah edit sikit background n layout..
sekali-sekala kena la jugak beralih angin sikit kan..cube sesuatu yang baru pulak..ha ha..straight to the point je la...untuk entry kali ni.myra nak update kat anda semua sedikit sebanyak gambar-gambar yang myra ambik mase bercuti ke Padang hari tu..yup..yang myra ade update sebelum ni..hihihi...[Vacation Part 1: Opss..passport] sape-sape yang belum bace boley lah bace dulu pengalaman myra sebelum sampai kat Padang, Indonesia ni....

Bukit Tinggi Padang, Indonesia

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hirisan perasaan..

mule2 semuanya happy..semua bahagia..tp mase b'lalu..semua berubah..Die b'ubh..mereka b'ubh..
semua da laen...da x mcm dlu..
mmg betol kite x kn slalu dapat ape yg kite nk kn..tp mereka x kn fhm ape yg t'sirat d sebalik senyuman...yg lg jujur..tangisan d sebalik keceriaan..

terima kasih sbb bahagiakan sy..

Die: sy syg kn awk..lbey dr yg awk tau..n mungkin awk x kn sdar betape penting nye awk dlm hidup sy..tp sy x boley halang awk utk tinggalkan sy..sy cume mampu doakan yg t'baek pd awk..mungkin btol ckp awk..sy ego n m'hina awk.sbb tuh dah xde ruang kemaafan lg buat sy..

hakikatnye..dye x tau sakit nye kehilangan dye..yg lg utama..sakit nye melepaskn dye pergi..
roda slalu b'putar..n ak harus sntiase akur dgn suratan takdir..

Ieqa: ak rindu kan ko..rindu sgt2...
lbey dr yg ko tau..

Ai'syah & Syaza: thnx for being wif me..

Ashraf: u slalu ade if i ade masalah..slalu dgr i merepek..tq Ashraf..

Aleea: ak slalu rindu mase2 kite together..
ak sygkn ko..mungkin cr ak slh..
maafkan ak..

Zulaika & Iela: ak slh pd korang..maafkan ak..bukan ak x syg..
tp care kite mungkin x sehaluan..

Mereka: korang..sronok..ak tumpang happy..sbb korang senyum..punce utk ak senyum gak selain dr Die..tp mase da laen..kite semua ade hidup sndri...
korang..andai 1 mase nt klu ak pergi..tlg sampai kn pd Die..yg ak xpernah nk benci dye..niat nk m'hina pown x pernah terlintas dlm hati ni...
btw...i really had fun knowing u guys..u guys were the best eva in life..but..kite ade hidup masing..xpe..ak faham..cara kite berbeza..tp jauh d sudut hati ak nih..ak syg sgt ngn korang...
tp ak x tau cm ne nk bgtau or tunjuk so that korang fhm..
maafkan ak..atas semua kesalahan ak pd korang..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To my Sayang..

Dear Fiz..
nothing can change how I felt towards U now..
how much I love U day by day..the truth is..I was so afraid to loose U...
being with U..is the most wonderful things I ever felt..
without U..guess my world be over too...
now that we almost fell apart..
I'm sure will never gonna let that to happen..
so please try to understand whats been hiding deep inside...

I was not perfect until I meet U..
U were the one in this ♥ since the first moment I saw U...
I was very proud to call U mine..a very gentle guy with a warm heart.
I know that I am not perfect...I always do silly thing that might hurt your feeling...
but I never meant it that way..

I tried to be the way U want me to be...tried to follow all that U think the best for our relationship..coz I just want the best for U..
I'm changed not just for u..but it coz I know that it was for my owned good too..
but I can't deny..I can't make it on my own...
I need your support and advice..
not your judgment..
well..it was just fine.the way we think that make us different form each other..
so now..let me be the one to understand U well...
I'll do anything..as long as..U..never let go of my hand...
never leave me alone...
I just want U to know that..I was never been force to do all these thing..
coz I'm doing it with all my heart and soul..
I was never been force to love U..I never felt the burden in turning the way U asked me too...I love it that way...
I just hope this relationship will remain..
sorry for all those silly things that I have done...
I ♥ U

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Fav song..that i wish he sing it to me..Fiz

it was so sweet when we just flash back those time we had together..
it was a memorable memory that we create...
sayang..wish u know how i felt towards u know...
i want to spend the rest of my life just with u...
thnx for being parts of my life...

Monday, October 18, 2010

I still Love U.. ******

after watching this video..i felt so touch..it remind me of him..the one that have been in my heart once not long before...although it was over...i still can't deny that i am not able to forget him..
how ever..i have move on..to him..i just wanna say thanx for being a part of my life...
all your advice and shared will always i remember..thnx sayang's!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Belajar Semua Dari U

"kenal u..i belajar untuk mengalah...

rapat dengan u..ui belajar untuk berfikiran mudah..

sayang u..i belajar untuk memaafkan & beralah..

cinta u..i belajar untuk melepaskan sesuatu yang dah sudah.."

orang selalu cakap..yang dah lepas tu biarkan berlalu..jadikan pengajaran

tapi kenape manusia selalu menyesali sesuatu yang dah berlalu??

menyesali sesuatu tindakan yang dah dilakukan oleh diri sendiri??

sedih dengan keputusan yang diputuskan dengan keputusan akal & fikiran sendiri..

sayangs..let the by gone be by gone..

i could never change your past..or even my past..

but we could plan for our best in future..for our happiness..

hidup harus slalu pandang ke hadapan...majukan diri...

tak semestinye jahat sekarang..manusia tu takkan berubah..

ni yang u cakap dulu..dan sekarang??kenape u nak sedih??

kalau dalam sesuatu hubungan tuh tak boleh nak b'tolak ansur..

kalau dalam sesuatu hubungan tuh tak boleh nak memberi & menerima..

kalau dalam sesuatu hubungan tuh tak boleh nk memaafkan..

kalau dalam sesuatu hubungan tuh asyik menilah sesuatu yang negatif..

penyelesaiannya 1 jew.." baik jangan bina hubungan tu.."

manusia dicipta dengan sifat tidak pernah puas..

manusia dicipta dengan sifat melihat..

namun..dengan melihat orang lain tanpa sedari kesilahan diri sendir..

itu yang harus kite kikis dari dalam diri...

i was not perfect..until u complete my life..

i would never be perfect..but is always ok..

Pride and Limit

Sometimes...we never sure what people like about us..
sometimes...we never know what people think about us...
sometimes...we are so comfortable with the world around us...
till we didn't realize that people just annoyed with what we did..
acting like just u in this world won't bring any means if u don't know how to respect others..
acting like u are so care while the truth is u are just paranoid!!
if u don't like people do or act such childish...u shall change first..
the way u act is actually like a small kids....
trying to talk bout others..without realizing that one is also the same...
it just the way we did is came from a different situation..
have so pride while with others...n plz respect the limit...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love is For Everyday

out of sudden we have past this hold one year with many problem..
but you still here with me holding my hand tight like you first did..
all those up's and down's moment we face like nothing gonna separate us apart..
as the time past..we build the trust in our heart so that our believe never change
and now..i'm not scared to called u mind..
time is a good teacher in knowing u as my beloved..
memories is a good experience in building my faith in you..
all the moment past i went..was full of love and joys..as long i'm sure that i can feel the warm of your body..
the warm of your breath makes me feel calm..
the warm of your body makes me feel safe..
the warm of your touch just turn me naturally..
thanks for loving me Muhammad Zakwan
you make me believe that "Love is for Everyday"

Sunday, August 8, 2010


sometimes i just couldn't get it what in some people mind as they don't realize the mistake that happen due to their own attitude..yet still pointing to others..
the best part is..the backup story will gets hotter from someone out of no where that is not involve at all in the stupid situation..being so silly is just nothing..but to be a dummy..is way sarcastic as it will just show your own true color..
ordering others not to talk about the private life that happen around you in the social web page..yet..you were the one talking bitch..haha..what a LOSER...
begging sympathy from people that is good with those you called LOSER..
what type of women were you???we ain't different..
but i'm way better..remember that bitch!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Siti Mei Ling

everything is about u...
even a single dust is u in his mind..
u were the perfect mate in loving him..
everywhere i go..i kept hearing your name..
every time his with me..its your name that he always mention..
even if his not..
i kept reading your name in all his text message..
yet i still don't understand..
if he really love u that much...
why is he still coming back for me??
if he is that loyal to you..
why he ain't letting me go...??
i still don't get it..is that what he called love..
Siti Mei Ling..
please let me go..
stop entering my life..go away!!
and please take your beloved boyfriend too...
coz i need to move to my next destination too...
with him keep coming back for me..
i just can't make it...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Heart Breaks

have u ever been at one point where u have to choose wisely??the decision that u have to make is all about your life and feeling that u need to face??everything now is totally mess up now where i don't really know where and how to fix it back..at one point, i used to think that i should leave everything..n move on..cause they just don't even care what happen..all that matters is they get what they one..
i finally found that its hard to be strong when i'm actually weak..lately..i felt like i'm dying slowly in side..although this smile and laugh is still appear in me..but they are actually fake..as i'm crying alone..n suffer by my self without no one ever realized that i'm totally injured with what they have done..
owh..its hard to explain how tired n restless i felt now when i've been so down n stress up with their attitude that is killing me softly..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Perfect Price of L.O.V.E

if u ask me what is the meaning of love..
i shall say my love is meaningless..
if u ask him what is love is all about..
his answer was AMIRA SHAHIDA
if u ask them what is the love that they see in her..
the answer is MUHAMMAD ZAKWAN
they said love is in the air..
but why i couldn't feel it..
the said love is a fantastic feeling that can't be deny by human..
but why am i not enjoying it...
then here come a lady telling one sweet advice that i think i could share..
"u won't be able to feel the real love unless u love your creator..Allah..
next, u need to love everything about your self..
u need to enjoy all the moment even if its those hard time to face..
then u know how to feel so great full..and then only u can feel the actual feel of love..
that is how u can feel and learn the love that people been talk about.."
looking back to the time i went..i was trying to be someone that i was not..and i hate my self..
i was not enjoying all the moment i faced..
until i found the great people around me..that always reminding me about how precious life is..
leading me back to the real world..
then i noticed how wonderful is life when i know i have met many types of people..
and i could learn from their action and make it as my experience on life...
yet..this make me more understand to perfect price of my LOVE..
remembering that Allah is always with me..i was not afraid to face the day after tomorrow..
and counting the days to be by his side in life..

Thursday, June 24, 2010


yesterday i listen to a song that seem like suits my mood at this moment..it seem like so complete and perfect till i felt like a new spirit has been absorb in me..i felt much stronger than before..
i did something wrong..but i had no bad intention at all..and to admit it..i was not afraid..
its just that i didn't knew how to correct everything..how to fix the cuts that been drown in her hearts..i just want the best in her..that's all..no other bad intention..but all that is no use for now..
she just hate me so much..and i could never fix anything..
at one point i almost giving up in life..but someone told me to take it positively..maybe now they will never understand..but one day when they are..there's nothing to loose anymore..
so now i have to stay strong n face the fact that might happen..
at one part..i just wanted to follow what my heart said..is to take all the bad influence down..but i realize how good they were in manipulating stories..i decide to keep shut..cause..when the truth came in one day..all this will be fix by it self..
owh god..please give more strength to face this life..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mohd Al-Ashraf

out of my wonder these one fine day i meat this one guy who i never though i could never meet him again..i was so surprise to receive a message from him that night..
after 5 years..i just could not believe what just happen..a guy that have entered my life once before is back in my life..
the next day..i went for a movie with him..knowing him dating someone else is just nothing for me..5years is quit a long period..and anything could happen..but knowing him wanting me back in return is something that i never expect..
i was so shock and didn't know how to react..so i decided to follow with the flow..as i try to get to understand him back..i noticed some few changes that make my heart said that he doesn't really want me..he was just so excited to meet me back..but to have him back in my life..i was acting such a fool if i do so..
so now its almost a month..i started to be treated more like a friend..he start to feel comfortable to shared all his problems with me while I'm feeling annoyed to give him advice..
i know i shouldn't feel so..but i just can't deny some part of me..i felt like wanting him back..but..i guess this Mohd Al-Ashraf shall just remain as a part of my sweet memory in life..
besides i guess, what i have now is more than enough n 'His' love could not be challenge by Ashraf hismself..
maybe all this happen for several reason that i might not know yet..but who knew what might gonna happen next right??
i always pray for the best in life so that i won't upset later with all the decision i made before..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

l love my Future..not my past time..

sometimes i felt so down till i don't know what shall i do..
the more i think..the more worst i felt..
one come and go from my life..but still i couldn't find the right one..
until one day..i meat him..he wasn't perfect at all..
but that is actually fulfill my life..he shines me up with his simple and gentle attitude..
he never says that he loves me..but when i ask why..
his answer were very simple.."i scared that i might loose u one day, don't worry honey, when the right time comes..u'll hear it from me day and night.."
promises..i used to remind him..don't make any promises with me..if the words can't be kept..
now..when i make him promise..he'll say.."no promises sweetheart..i just couldn't stand your tears.."
being a part from him..just make my world turn so slow..
i just felt so wired without calls or messages from him..but i just need to understand his world..
before i could be a part or him life..
i just can't imagine how would it be..life without him..

today...someone came to meet me..seeking for my forgiveness..begging for another chances..
reminding me of all the sweet memory that we have gone through..telling me how long the relationship has been..and how he just love those time we had together...
then i felt so silly..cause..i just couldn't remember any of it..
i don't even felt the sweet memories that he tell..and i couldn't recall any of it..
huh..how deep i plant these sadness in me..how far he has draw the scar in this heart..
until i don't even bare to remember any..

all that i ever member is..being with him that i love now..all i ever wanted is to look straight forward..till i face my future.. till i be in my love arms again..
not to turn back..and recalling all the sad stories i have get from u..
i'm sorry dear Shafiq..i journey with u..has come to its end..u were no more in my heart..
all i can say is..we were just friend now..just like u said to 'her' before...