Hari nih..aku mood selesa sikit pasal its an unofficial day in office..so boley pakai kasual..hihi..
ak pown ape lg..dengan bangganya ak pakai khakis law datang office hr nih...since that today's lunch time is quite long..me and Tieya + Mffn had plan for a movie kt KLCC..tp..x jadi..pasal..xde movie yg match ngn time lunch kiteorang..huhu =( so kiteorg pown proceed law pg makan nasi ayam depan masjid kt Dato' Keramat ni..haha..nasib law sedap kn..
P/s: don't tell mummy that i took rice today ok...(^_^) hihi
so..lepas lunch..Mffn datang lepak kt bilik ak nih..lame gak law kn pasal nk tgu lunch time hbs..
huhu..sempat lg gak dye khatam movie "ZOo" yg Wirin bagi ak hari tuh..huhu..nk tgu dye hbs tgk..ak naek mengantuk nak mampos! maybe pasal terlalu kenyang kot..so ak pown cadang nk took a short nap..ha..ambik kau..sampai sejam lbey ak lene..haha T_T
sedar2 dah pukul 3 lbey..haha..dah pecah record ak yg kate x nk tdo petang..haha..
owh no..i really need to improve to lose my weight..huhu...
Maje En Ali yg memang dah kosong since lunch.. xtau law..x jumpe jalan balik ke TM nih kot..haha..
Kak Izan..beg2 sume dah lesap..(^-^)
bangon jew dr tdo..ak tgk Mffn dah balik office dye..tinggal ak..Tieya..Eka..n Nurul jew...Kak Zan ngn En Ali..xtau law mane dyeorg dah lost..xjumpe jalan balik kot..huhu..masing2 pown pe lg kn..da xde org..kami pown syok law buat hal sndri...
(oiks..ni bukan ponteng or ape2 ok..jgn fikir bukan2..) we make 2 things at the same time..hihi
kami kn multifunction...hahahaha...
so..i took this opportunity nih utk snape several pic for u guys to view..this is how my office look like..huhu..n all my friend here with the same mission with me..finishing this practical period..huhu..ayat mcm bersemangat habis la..
Tieya..huhu..pernah tengok x??
yup..student of KTPM too...DCS..nih law yg sudi kongsi meja dgn aku..
1. with shawl: Zulaika a.k.a eka.. 2. peace gurl: Nurul.. nih pown student yg buat practical kat sini..haha..but they kind of early a week that me n Tieya..
hari ni tamat law minggu pertama ak kat TM nih..huh..how i miss my BFF..wish u were here babe..susah kot x boley nk wat keje ngn kau..tp ape2 pown i wish all the best for u sayang..may u survive over there...
this year nye earth hour sure x dapat nk celebrate same2 kan..huhu..
Miss U buddy!
yup..student of KTPM too...DCS..nih law yg sudi kongsi meja dgn aku..
hari ni tamat law minggu pertama ak kat TM nih..huh..how i miss my BFF..wish u were here babe..susah kot x boley nk wat keje ngn kau..tp ape2 pown i wish all the best for u sayang..may u survive over there...
Miss U buddy!
so now..i'm waiting the time to go home..huhu..besok cuti..(^_^) yeay!!
1 comment:
u are wrong!
earth hour ni dah celebrate sama2 pown kan.
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